

California Propositions Analysis and Recommendations November 2024


Checked Swings in Baseball: There Oughta be A Law

Thoughts Medley: Baseball, RFK, Jr. and Proxies 21 May 24

Thoughts Medley Baseball Politics and Cell Phone Emissions 4 May 24

Thoughts Medley Abortion and Inflation 13 Apr 24

Thoughts Medley Stock Trading Congress 10 Apr 24

Thoughts Medley 7 Apr 24 Pitching and Buckley PBS

Thoughts Medley 29 Mar 24 When Did the World Start using dates starting with the birth of Jesus?

Thoughts Medley 27 Mar 24: Privacy on iPhones and The Grand European Tour

Dodgers' 22 Recap

The Worst Game in Baseball History

2022 California November Ballot Recommendations

2022 California Primary Ballot Recommendations

Baseball Needs to Come Into the 21st Century 14 Oct 21

California Propositions: November 3, 2020

California Ballot Recommendations: November 2018

Sports Medley: Auf Wiedersehen 1 Jul 18

California 2018 June Primary Ballot Recommendations 28 May 18

Sports Medley: The Main Reason Why Baseball Games Are Too Long 24 May 18

Sports Medley: March Madness Nonsense 12 Mar 18

Sports Medley: Oscar® Awarded to Accused Rapist Kobe Bryant 5 Mar 18

Sports Medley: Women’s Olympics Ice Hockey Team Outshines NBC’s Dismal Coverage 26 Feb 18

Sports Medley: “Meanwhile, the Game is Tied” 19 Feb 18

Sports Medley: College Basketball’s Low State of Affairs 12 Feb 18

Sports Medley: Defense? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Defense! 5 Feb 18

Sports Medley: Why Jacksonville Lost 22 Jan 18

Sports Medley: Why the Rams Lost 8 Jan 18

2018 NFL Playoffs First Round 6 Jan 18

Sports Medley: Are All Coaches This Dumb?  2 Jan 18

Sports Medley 26 Dec 17

Sports Medley: Kaepernick and the NFL 4 Dec 17

Book Review: Blue Lives Matter: In the Line of Duty

Sports Medley: UCLA Hires Chip Kelly 27 Nov 17

Sports Medley: UCLA’s Problem is its Athletic Director: 20 Nov 17

Sports Medley: Red Sanders Single Wingers 13 Nov 17

Sports Medley: The Dumbest Decision in World Series History 6 Nov 17

Sports Medley: World Series Heroes and Goats 30 Oct 17

Sports Medley: J'accuse ...! It’s True! Nobody Knows How to Play this Game: 16 Oct 17

Sports Medley: Baseball Playoffs foul-ups 9 Oct 17

Sports Medley: Dodgers in the World Series a Pipe Dream? 2 Oct 17

Sports Medley: UCLA’s Guerrero must go 25 Sep 17

Sports Medley ESPN Should Act Consistently on Political Statements By Commentators 18 Sep 17

Sports Medley: Grandal’s Lackadaisical Catching 11 Sep 17

Sports Medley: Analyzing UCLA’s “Miracle” Win 4 Sep 17

Sports Medley: Why is Justin Turner Slumping 28 Aug 17

Sports Medley: Baseball Bits 21 Aug 17

Sports Medley: Best Dodgers Team Ever? 14 Aug 17

Sports Medley: Why Taylor Will Not Be MVP 7 Aug 17

Sports Medley; Three “Sports” that Should be Banned 31 Jul 17

Sports Medley:  Wimbledon & NBA Divas 24 Jul 17

Sports Medley: The Dodgers are the Dumbest “Best” Team in History 17 Jul 17

Sports Medley: Dodgers Half Year MVP 10 Jul 17

Sports Medley: Dodgers Being Hot Doesn't Change Things 19 Jun 17

Sports Medley: Another Bonehead Dodgers Move 12 Jun 17

Sports Medley: Strikeout Kings 5 Jun 17

Sports Medley: Indy 500, Popovich and Other Happenings 29 May 17

Sports Medley: The Unwelcome Return of Don Mattingly: 22 May 17

Sports Medley: Popoff Popovich pops off again: 15 May 17

Sports Medley NBA Scam Roberts Folly 8 May 17

Sports Medley NFL Draft  1 May 17

Sports Medley 2017 NBA Playoffs Round 1 24 Apr 17

Sports Medley: Roberts Continues to Destroy Baseball 17 Apr 17

Sports Medley: Would You Send Your Child to Baylor? 10 Apr 17

Is Top Tier Gas a Scam?

Sports Medley: All Time Dodgers teams 3 April 2017

Sports Medley: Why UCLA Lost 27 Mar 17

Sports Medley: Westbrook Should be MVP 20 Mar 17

Sports Medley: The Lakers’ Future Looks Dim 13 Mar 17

Sports Medley: Pitch Count Idiocy 6 Mar 17

Sports Medley: The Truth about Bobby Thomson’s Home Run 27 Feb 17

Sports Medley: Time to End All Star Games 20 February 2017

Sports Medley: More Revelations About Joe Mixon 13 Feb 17

Sports Medley: Super Bowl 6 Feb 17

Sports Medley: All time ranking of Tennis Players 30 Jan 17

Sports Medley: Baseball’s Hall of Fame and Drug Cheats 23 Jan 17

Sports Medley: The Spanos Chargers join The Kroenke Rams 16 Jan 17

Sports Medley: 2017 NFL Playoffs Round 2 9 Jan 17

Sports Medley: 2017 NFL Playoffs, Round One: 2 Jan 17

Sports Medley: The OU-Mixon Problem Should be a Call to Arms,  26 Dec 16

Sports Medley: The Oklahoma-Mixon Scandal 19 Dec 16

Sports Medley: UCLA Basketball First Report: 12 Dec 16

Sports Medley: Dump Kroenke (If Only that were Possible) 5 Dec 12

Sports Medley Should Mora Leave UCLA? 28 Nov 16

Sports Medley: Goff No Panacea 21 Nov 16

Sports Medley: Pompous Popovich Should Shut Up 14 Nov16

Sports Medley: Why the Rams lose 7 Nov 16

Sports Medley: Why Baseball Stinks and How to Fix It, Part I 31 Oct 16

Sports Medley: The NFL’s Breast Cancer Month Callously Ignores Prostate Cancer 24 Oct 16

Sports Medley: Adherence to Simplistic Nonsense by Baker and Bochy lost the playoffs 17 Oct 16

Sports Medley: Baseball is Inflicted With a Serious Sickness 10 Oct 16

Sports Medley: Go for Two?  2 Oct 16

Sports Medley: UCLA Loses Another Game Because of a Dumb Penalty 26 Sep 16

Sports Medley: How Clueless are the New LA Rams? 19 Sep 16

Sports Medley: Roberts Takes Baseball to its All-Time Low 12 Sep 16

Sports Medley: “Hard Knocks” and the Rams 6 Sep 16

Sports Medley: Scully Poorly Served by Staff 29 Aug 16

Sports Medley: NBC’s Olympics Coverage 22 Aug 16

Sports Medley: Olympics Musings 15 Aug 16

Sports Medley: Athletes and Owners Behaving Badly 8 Aug 16

Sports Medley: The Rio Olympics Calamity 1 Aug 16

Sports Medley: More reasons why today’s baseball stinks: 25 Jul 16

Sports Medley: Can't Anyone Here Play This Game? 18 Jul 16

Sports Medley: Baseball’s Best Pitchers 11 Jul 16

Sports Medley ESPN’s Wimbledon Coverage 5 Jul 16

Sports Medley: Alcohol and Performance 27 Jun 16

Sports Medley NBA Championship Game 20 Jun 16

Sports Medley: NBA Corruption 13 Jun 16

Sports Medley: TV Coverage of NBA Playoffs 6 Jun 16

June 2016 California Ballot Recommendations

Sports Medley: Should Roberts have pulled Kershaw? 30 May 16

Sports Medley: Worst Baseball Game of All Time 23 May 16

Sports Medley: Roberts’ Use of Pitchers Defies Rationality 16 May 16

Sports Medley: Managers Who Pull Pitchers Close to No-Hitters Desecrate the Game 9 May 16

Sports Medley: Rams’ Trade for Quarterback Goff Continues More Than a Half Century of Ineptitude 2 May 16

Sports Medley: Brady Reversal & Hernandez Absence 25 April 2016

Sports Medley: Kobe Bryant’s 60 point finale a microcosm of a career of selfishness 18 Apr 16

Sports Medley: Dodgers’ manager pulls rookie pitcher from no hitter 11 Apr 16

Sports Medley: Bits ‘n Pieces 5 Apr 16

Sports Medley: Syracuse Unleashes Metaphysical Power in win over Virginia 28 Mar 16

Sports Medley: Is UCLA’s Admission Policy Biased Against whites? 21 Mar 16

Sports Medley: Dumb Basketball Rules 14 Mar 16

Book Review: “Shakespeare” by Another Name by Mark Anderson

Sports Medley: Who Bears Responsibility for UCLA’s Dismal Basketball Position? 7 Mar 16

Sports Medley: The NBA’s list of its Top Players; Really? 29 Feb 16

Sports Medley: Enough of Kobe Bryant’s Farewell Tour 22 Feb 16

Sports Medley: Is Cam Newton a Coward? 15 Feb 16

Sports Medley: MVP Cam Newton refuses to dive for a loose ball and loses the Super Bowl 8 Feb 16

Sports Medley: NFL Blackouts in Los Angeles & Super Bowl 50 1 Feb 16

Sports Medley: Random Thoughts on NFL Playoffs and NBA Basketball 25 Jan 16

Sports Medley: 2016 NFL Playoffs, Round 3 18 Jan 16

Sports Medley: 2016 NFL Playoffs Round 2 11 Jan 16

Sports Medley: NFL Playoffs Round 1 4 Jan 16

Sports Medley: College football predictions & UCLA’s football future 28 Dec 15

Sports Medley: Is Odell Beckham, Jr. an Egotistical, Selfish Thug? 21 Dec 15

Sports Medley NFL Follies 14 Dec 2015

Sports Medley: The NFL would rather back up incompetent referees than get it right 7 Dec 15

Sports Medley: UCLA lost to USC because of one inexcusable penalty 30 Nov 15

Sports Medley: How Bad are NFL Referees? 23 Nov 15

Sports Medley: The New York Giants are Too Stupid to Compete in the NFL 16 Nov 15

Sports Medley: First Nominations for The Cris Carter Scumbag of the Year Award 9 Nov 15

Sports Medley: Who gets the blame for the Dodgers? 2 Nov 15

Sports Medley: UCLA Has A Coaching Problem 26 Oct 15

Sports Medley: Dodgers’ Monstrous Mistake 19 Oct 15

Sports Medley Does Kershaw Choke? 12 Oct 15

Sports Medley: Larry Brown and UCLA 5 Oct 15

Sports Medley: Referees are Making the NFL Unwatchable 28 Sep 15

Sports Medley: The Concept of Bountygate is Alive and Well in the NFL 21 Sep 15

Sports Medley: Dumb Decisions Transcend Sports 14 Sep 15

Sports Medley: Baseball Agony & Tom Brady 7 Sep 15

Sports Medley: Cris Carter Should Suspended by both ESPN and the NFL 31 Aug 15

Sports Medley: Police Report on Dodgers Homicide 24 Aug 15

Sports Medley: Another Indefensible Dodgers Front Office Decision 17 Aug 15

Sports Medley: The Trials of Tom Brady 10 Aug 15

Sports Medley: Baseball’s Pitching Insanity Continues 3 Aug 15

Sports Medley: You Can Kiss Pitchers’ Duels Goodbye 27 Jul 15

Sports Medley: All-Star Game  20 Jul 15

Sports Medley: Wimbledon Notes 13 Jul 15

Sports Medley: World Cup Soccer and Baby Dodgers 6 Jul 15

Sports Medley: NBA Draft 29 Jun 15

Sports Medley: NBA Playoffs and U.S. Open Recaps 22 Jun 15

Sports Medley: Baseball Needs Balls & Strikes called by Technology 15 Jun 15

Sports Medley: Where Have You Gone LA Times Sports? 8 Jun 15

Sports Medley: Mattingly's Perplexing Decisions 1 Jun 15

Sports Medley: Mattingly Disrespects the Game of Baseball 25 May 15

Sports Medley: What Did You Think of Blake Griffin’s Performance? 18 May 15

Sports Medley: Two of the Worst Games in NBA Playoff History 11 May 15

Sports Medley: Last Year’s Dodgers Heroes and NBA TV 4 May 15

Sports Medley: Top Ten Baseball Players of All Time

Sports Medley: The Coach and His Brutal Star Player 20 Apr 15

Sports Medley: Josh Hamilton 13 Apr 15

2015 March Madness: Final Four

2015 March Madness: Week 2

Sports Medley: March Madness

Sports Medley: Boxing Should be Unacceptable in a Civilized Society

Sports Medley: Basketball and Baseball Woes

Sports Medley: Ball hog Russell Westbrook is no MVP

Sports Medley: Baseball's Continuing Controversies

Sports Medley: 2015 NBA All Star Game

Sports Medley: Sports and Freedom of Speech

Sports Medley: 2015 Super Bowl Recap

Sports Medley: 2015 Super Bowl Preview & Deflategate

Sports Medley: 2015 NFL Playoffs Conference Finals

Sports Medley: 2015 NFL Playoffs Round Three

Sports Medley: 2015 NFL Playoffs Round Two

Sports Medley: NFL Playoffs 2015 First Round

Sports Medley: NFL Alert Connor Shaw 28 Dec 14

Sports Medley: The Highs and (Mostly) Lows Of TV & Radio Sports 26 Dec 14

Sports Medley: Dodgers' Front Office 16 Dec 14

Sports Medley: Why Losers Lose 8 Dec 14

Sports Medley UCLA Luckiest Team in NCAA

Sports Medley NFL Week 11 28 Nov 14

Sports Medley: Trout Not MVP 21 Nov 14

Sports Medley 14 Nov 14

Sports Medley 5 Nov 14

Sports Medley 30 Oct 14

Tua Culpa Don Mattingly

Baseball's Stupidity on Pitching

Vin Scully Needs to Tell the Truth

NFL 2014 Week Three

Clayton Kershaw Should Not Be MVP

Best of Old Time Radio

NFL Week Two 2014

2014 Super Bowl Recap

2014 Super Bowl

2014 NFL Playoffs Third Round

2104 NFL Playoffs Second Round

2014 NFL Playoffs Wild Card Games

LA 5 Rotary Hosts UCLA-USC Pre Football Game Luncheon

Red Sanders Single Wingers Meet in Westwood

Experience The Beatles With Rain

Jackie Lacey One-on-One

Jackie Robinson Branch Rickey Interview

UCLA Basketball Coach, Steve Alford, Circa 2013

2013 Super Bowl Redux

2013 Super Bowl

2013 NFL Playoffs Third Round

2013 NFL Playoffs Second Round

2013 NFL Playoffs First Round

NFL's Officious Officials

UCLA Red Sanders Single Wingers Reunion and Pauley Pavilion

Alan Jackson Defends TV Ad in Race for District Attorney

Jackie Lacey Refutes Opponent's Attack Ad

A 2012 New York Jets List of Grievances

Bad NFL Referees October 2012

Baseball Balderdash: Pulling Starting Pitchers

Neil Diamond at the Greek

One-on-One with Jackie Lacey

A True Story That Foretells What Life Will be Like After Four More Years of Democrat Power


2012 Super Bowl Redux

2012 Super Bowl

NFL 2012 Playoffs, Third Round

NFL 2012 Playoffs, Second Round

NFL 2012 Playoffs First Round

Super Bowl 2011 Redux

Super Bowl 2011

NFL 2010 Playoffs Round 3

NFL 2010 Playoffs Round 2

NFL 2010 Playoffs Round 1

The Spirit of Denny Hastert

California Judges Recommendations 2010

Attorney General Candidate Profile: Steve Cooley

California Propositions 2010 November

Ruined by the Idiots Who Run and Play It

NFL 2010 Week One Commentary

One-on-One With Fritz Coleman

California Propositions June 2010

Cathedral Chapel 80th Anniversary

For MRI Claustrophobics

Can You Make Seven Diamonds?

Bill O'Reilly and the Facts

2010 Super Bowl Redux

NFL 2010 Super Bowl

NFL 2010 Third Round Playoffs

NFL 2010 Second Round Playoffs

NFL 2010 First Round Playoffs

Pitching and Dumb Managers

NFL 2009 First Third Report

NFL 2009 2 Week Report

Debunking the Myths Surrounding the Roman Polanski prosecution

Baseball: Only Dopes Can Play, Or If They Can't Lay Down a Sacrifice Bunt, What Can They do?

William Sanderson One-on-One

Bill Wellman, Jr. One-on-One

Fast Break Basketball

Carmen Trutanich One-on-One

Joe Mantegna One-on-One

Tim Dietlein One-on-One

Michael Reagan One-on-One

Sian Breckin One-on-One

Dumb Football Players

An Obama Presidency: Hero or Pied Piper?

More Dumb Coaches 9 November 08

Proposition R LA County November 2008

California Propositions November 2008

Obama and the Right to Privacy

LBN Commentary Shieffer Interviews Obama

One-on-One With Michael Levine

Use of the Stop Card in Duplicate Bridge

One-on-One With Guilleame Canet

NFL Draft 2008

One on One With Robert Conrad

UCLA Basketball Report 7 March 2008

The Young Stalin

Obama and Caveat Emptor

California Propositions February 2008

UCLA Basketball: NFL Football 20 Jan 08

UCLA-Houston Astrodome Game

Weekend Sports Roundup 13 Jan 08

More Stupid Coaching

Coaching Stupidity

UCLA Basketball 2007-8, Early Report

Wes Parker One-on-One

Can We Blame Man for Southern California Fires

Stupid Baseball

Baseball is Run by Fools

Redistricting Solution

U.S. Open TV Coverage 2006

UCLA Basketball Reunion 2006

Propositions 30 & 31

Bill Bradley

CNN's Reliable Sources v. Fox News Watch

My Top Ten Baseball Moments

NBA Musings

California 2006 Judges Recommendations

Celebrities and Politics

Freedom of Speech Hypocrites

Japanese and the Comfort Women

The Metric System? Never!

More About California's 2006 Bond Issues

Patrick Wayne Reflects on John Wayne as a Father

Rainforest, The

Rape and Japanese Hypocrisy

Congressional Largesse to Relatives of 9/11 Victims

Katie Couric and Bob Costas Cover Gettysburg