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Sports Medley: Oscar®
Awarded to Accused Rapist Kobe Bryant 5 Mar 18
by Tony Medley
Hypocrisy thy name is
Hollywood. In a world where Hollywood refuses to even speak to
Christopher Plummer and Ryan Seacrest on the Red Carpet because they
have been accused of sexual “harassment,” and whose (Hollywood’s)
negativity kept last year’s Best Actor Oscar® Winner, Casey Affleck,
from presenting the Best Actress Award this year just because he had
been subject to “allegations” of “sexual misconduct,” it awards an
Oscar® to former Laker Kobe Bryant, a married man, who was not just
accused, he was formally charged with criminal sexual assault by the
Eagle County, Colorado sheriff’s office, a felonious offense that could
have been punished by life in prison. The details are too tawdry to
mention here and Bryant eventually admitted to them, despite lying
repeatedly about it. He wasn’t tried because he allegedly bought off the
accuser to the tune of several million dollars so she refused to testify
against him (something most rich rapists do), which raises the question,
why isn’t that obstruction of justice? And now he has an Oscar®…from “me
too” Hollywood!
But these Hollywood
Hypocrites who voted it to him won’t talk to Plummer, Seacrest, and
Affleck, who have never been formally charged with anything. They are
worse than hypocrites, they are sanctimonious cowards.
That wasn’t just the
worst Oscar® show in history by a long shot, it ranks with the worst
television shows of all time. The Academy is partly at fault for
nominating the foulest list of films for awards ever seen. But the show
was far worse than the films nominated.
Probably the lowest
point in the show was when host Jimmy Kimmel (a shockingly inadequate
successor to Bob Hope, Johnny Carson, and Billy Crystal, and who is host
through nepotism, solely because he runs ABC’s late night talk show)
stopped the awards show halfway through to take some Hollywood actors to
another theater to hand out treats. While the pace of the show had been
dismal up until then, this nonsensical act completely stopped it
But there were lots
of other low points like Best Actress winner Frances McDormand’s speech
accepting the award, which led a friend of mine to threaten to join
SPOWGE (the Society for the Prevention of Women Getting Everything), the
fact that all the top awards went to people who were not white American
men (not a good thing to be in today’s Hollywood, but it epitomizes the
tenor of the show), that one of the films nominated for Best Picture
glorified what in most states in the United States would be a felony,
statutory rape of a young man by an older man; I could go on and on.
Because of all this
it lost its audience. I gave a small dinner party for the show at a
private club which was having an Oscar® Dinner. There were 80 people in
attendance at all the tables of the club when the show started. When the
show finally ended there were only about 15 people left in the club,
most of whom were my guests. Everyone else had left before learning who
won Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director, and Best Movie. The show
was so bad that even the people at my table were getting up and
wandering around talking instead of watching the boring, unfunny,
unentertaining drivel being shown on ABC. I think that this show,
maladroitly produced by Michael De Luca and Jennifer Todd, put a big
nail in the coffin of the popularity of the Academy Awards show for the
Reports said
viewership was down 16%. But that wasn’t the worst of it. That measures
how many people saw part of the show, probably the beginning. If they
measured what viewership was just before the big awards at the end, I
imagine it would have been closer to down 50% if not more.