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by Tony Medley


If you don’t want to read the reasoning, I recommend “no” votes on all of them, except for LA County Measure C:

Proposition 1:
This is a Constitutional Amendment that will allow abortions up to the moment of birth, the most barbaric proposed amendment to California’s Constitution in history. To put it bluntly, it will allow a doctor to insert a needle in a perfectly formed 9 month fetus’s brain and suck it out and then cut it up. How anyone could be for this is beyond me. But it is eagerly sponsored by Planned Parenthood (PP), who derives 51% of its income by killing more than 345,000 babies in the womb annually. Margaret Sanger founded PP and she was an avowed eugenicist for the purpose of wiping out the black race. She would be proud of today’s PP because although black Americans comprise only 13.4% of the U.S. population, according to the CDC, they accounted for 36.0% of the abortions in 2015. A vote for this proposition would be inhumane and racist.


Proposition  26: Constitutional Amendment. Allows sports wagering at racetracks. Being pretty much libertarian, I think that people should be allowed to gamble if they are that stupid that they want to throw away their money. But I don’t think that it should be made any easier than it is now, and I don’t think it should be in the Constitution.


Proposition 27: Constitutional Amendment. Allows the same type of gambling allowed on tribal lands outside of tribal lands. The Indians are dead set against this because they think it will cut into their revenue, and they are right. I don’t care about that, but, again, I do not think this should be in the Constitution.


Proposition 28: Provides additional funding for arts and music education in public schools, $1 billion annually. Throwing more money into California’s failed public schools is ridiculous so long as public education is controlled by the teachers’ union. The California Teachers’ Association donated $1 million to get it passed. It will probably be used to promote leftwing ideology like Critical Race Theory and the 1619 project and teach abnormal sex ideas to 6 year-olds even though the proposition “prohibits the Legislature or school districts from using the funds for other purpose.” Yeah, sure.


Proposition 29: This requires on-site licensed medical professionals at kidney dialysis clinics. This seems to be on the ballot every two years. Here’s what I said last time in 2020, “I seem to recall voting against this once beforeProposition 8 in 2018. This would greatly increase the cost of dialysis and probably close down lots of clinics who are providing the service. It seems to be bureaucratic nonsense without rhyme or reason.” I haven’t changed my mind.


Proposition 30: Provides funding for programs to reduce air pollution and prevent wildfires by taxing the rich. This is just another way to get more money and it’s nonsense. How many times have we voted for funds to repair all the highways and it’s always diverted to something else. We’ve got to stop increasing taxes to give money to the corrupt politicians who run the state.


Proposition 31: If you vote for this you are voting to allow a law passed by the state legislature prohibiting the sale of flavored cigarettes. First of all, I suspect anything passed by this Legislature. If something passed, it can’t be good since the entire State Government is so corrupt. All things considered the reason tobacco companies make flavored cigarettes is to lure more children into smoking them and becoming addicted. But we have too many laws. You can’t legislate unhealthy products out of existence. Keeping children from smoking is up to parents, not the government. I think that the feds have already banned most of these things anyway, so California doesn’t need to stick its nose into it. Here’s what Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association says, "Although the law bans the sale of flavored tobacco products to all customers regardless of age, lawmakers named it the ‘Stop Tobacco Access to Kids Enforcement Act.’ They claimed it was needed to stop underage tobacco use — because only kids, apparently, like flavor. To be sure, no one wants children smoking or vaping, but it’s already illegal in California to sell or give tobacco and vapor products to anyone under the age of 21. If prohibition worked, then we wouldn’t have a problem."



LH: Give LA money to develop more low-income housing? No

SP: Increase Property taxes by .084 cents/square foot for “parks and recreation” for 30 years? NO

L/LA: Establish a new 4% tax on sale or transfer of property of more than $5.5 million to “prevent homelessness.” Yeah, sure. NO

LA: Increases property taxes by $25/$100,000 to repay more new bonds this measure authorizes to fund “facility renovations and job training programs.” These people are avaricious. There is nothing they will not do to get our money. NO.

LA COUNTY MEASURE C: Authorizes a bunch of new taxes on the marijuana business. YES

LA COUNTY MEASURE A: This is the most disgustingly worst measure on the ballot, or any ballot. It transfers the choice of Sheriff from the people, where it should be in a democracy, to the Board of Supervisors. It is specifically aimed at Sheriff Villanueva, who is the most honest politician in the county, which is why they are trying to get rid of him. The sleazy politicians can’t control him so they want to dump him and install a puppet like Biden, so they can continue to screw the people and ruin the County with impunity. NO

LA Mayor: Rick Caruso, Duh! Why would anybody of normal intelligence vote for another politician? Inept unqualified biased leftwing dummies like Benito Garcetti and his ilk are who got us in this mess in the first place. It’s time to give a wildly successful businessman a chance to clean things up. Karen Bass is just another politician who was a “social worker” before she started getting elected to office. She has never been in an executive position and never run anything in her life, like Garcetti, and apparently she has some blatantly corrupt practices in her background. According to Breitbart:

...she is increasingly tied to the case against (indicted USC Official Marilyn) Flynn, though federal officials say she is not a target. The Los Angeles Times notes:

By awarding free tuition to Bass in 2011, Flynn hoped to obtain the congresswoman’s assistance in passing coveted legislation, prosecutors wrote in a July court filing. Bass later sponsored a bill in Congress that would have expanded USC’s and other private universities’ access to federal funding for social work — “just as defendant Flynn wanted,” the filing states.

Which is par for the course for a career politician. With her as Mayor things will just be run the same way and continue getting worse.

City Attorney: Hydee Feldstein Soto. I am advised that her opponent is a Gascon-type radical and would be a similar disaster.

Controller: Paul Koretz

Los Angeles County Sheriff: Alex Villanueva, the only honest politician in local government. He has alienated all the corrupt politicians who run the city and the LA Times with his honesty. His re-election is as important as the election of Caruso.



Governor: Brian Dahle. Nutty Newsom is a part of the Brown/Newsom/Pelosi/Getty (BNPG) incestuous family cabal that has controlled California for decades, making them rich and powerful (well, Getty was already rich). Look what it’s gotten us. Newsom is a power-hungry, lying hypocrite, who shut down the state and forced everyone to wear masks while dining at the French Laundry, which he allowed to stay open, maskless. He destroyed thousands upon thousands of small businesses while smiling all the way to the bank. He prohibited small children from going to school for an entire year and forced a dangerous, untested jab (that did not work, but did cause enormous physical damage on many who took it; and the people who took it still got Covid) on everyone. Why people did not oust him when he was recalled can only be explained by dirty politics, or a totally uninformed electorate, or both. Dahle is the first reasonable opponent these people have had. If you want more information on the cabal, just google it. Here's a link that barely scratches the surface for a start: https://centipedenation.com/analysis-and-reports/who-runs-cali-the-family-with-wealth-power-influence/.

Lt. Governor: Angela E. Underwood Jacobs

State Controller: Lahnee Kahn: I have heard some really positive things about Kahn.

Secretary of State: Rob Bernosky

Treasurer: Jack M. Guerrero

Attorney General: Nathan Hochman

Insurance Commissioner: Robert Howell

Board of Equalization Member District 1: Ted Gaines

Board of Equalization Member District 2: Peter Coe Verbica

United States Senator (Full Term): Mark P. Meuser (Padilla, his opponent is a despicable made member of the BNPG cabal).

United States Senator (Partial/Unexpired Term): Meuser.


As for Congressional and State representatives, just don’t vote for any Democrat. IMHO they are all counter-revolutionaries intent on destroying our democratic republic and our way of life by defunding the police, destroying our economy and society with their idiotic climate change fiasco (electric cars are totally unworkable, uneconomic, and worse on the environment than fossil fuel powered engines; do the research; and trying to electrify the country without fossil fuels and atomic energy is hopeless) and destroying our society with their unconstitutional open border policy.

Here are judicial recommendations by Steve Cooley:




·        Office 60—Abby Baron

·        Office 67—Fernanda Maria Barreto

·        Office 70—Renee Chang

·        Office 90—Leslie Gutierrez and Melissa Lyons

·        Office 118—Melissa Hammond

·        Office 151—Karen Brako and Patrick Hare

In Office 90 and Office 151, either candidate would make a good Superior Court judge.

Please vote; this is an important election.
