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More Examples of how The Game of Baseball has
been Ruined by the Idiots who run it and play it
by Tony Medley
How can anyone take baseball seriously when
they watch the ignorant louts that play it?
In the bottom of the 3rd inning of the
Braves-Giants game tonight, the Giants had men on first and third
with one out. A ground ball was hit to the infield and the runner on
third broke for home to avoid the double play. The Braves threw
home. In that instance the play you learn in high school is to chase
the runner back to third and then throw it to the third baseman to
tag the runner out, keeping the other two runners on first and
second. But the Braves catcher chased him halfway back, then threw
to the third baseman. The runner broke for home and the catcher made
the play but the Giants ended up with runners on second and third
instead of first and second as they advanced when the Braves screwed
up the play.
Then in the first game of the day between the
Rays and Texas, the Rays pitcher hit the catcher the with a pitch
with two outs. The next guy hit a ground ball single into
left, a ball that if hit two feet in either direction would have
been an easy out. A single like that is simply luck, clearly not the
pitcher's fault. So the genius Rays manager pulls the pitcher. The guy he brings in then allows a three run home run
to dead center, the longest part of the park. The manager leaves him
in. He allows another line drive single. The manager leaves him in.
He allows another hard hit single. The manager leaves him in.
Finally, after he allowed his fourth straight hard hit single, the manager pulls him, too.
Where is the logic in this? He pulls his starter because of a ground
ball single with eyes, but lets the reliever in after he's bombed.
In the first instance, these guys are playing
for a championship yet they handle a play worse than a high school
team. In the second it's just and example of the idiotic way
managers judge pitchers.
October 7, 2010 |