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Sports Medley: The Dodgers are the Dumbest “Best” Team in History 17 Jul
by Tony Medley
The Dodgers are the winningest team in baseball, despite an appalling
ignorance of fundamentals and consistently poor judgment, and not just
in handling starting pitchers. Items:
the top of the second inning of Friday night's game against Miami
the Dodgers had runners on first and third with two outs and Chris
Taylor at bat. With two strikes, the runner on first, catcher
Yasmani Grandal, attempted to steal second on what looked like a
double steal. When the catcher threw the ball through the infield to
the second baseman, however, Joc Peterson, the runner on third, was
retreating towards third base. If it was an attempted double steal,
it was the ugliest one in the history of baseball. When the ball was
bobbled by the second baseman, Peterson then made an ill-advised
belated break for the plate. He would have been out by 20 feet but a
bad throw allowed him to score a run.
With a runner now on second, on the next pitch Taylor lined a short
single to left field. It was short and hard hit, so the lead-footed
Grandal could really only be expected to make it one base to third
(Mickey Mantle couldn’t have scored on this one). Coming up was
Corey Seager, arguably the Dodgers’ second best hitter. Despite
this, third base coach Chris Woodward, whose only responsibility is
to either hold runners at third or send them in, sent Grandal in to
try to score and he was thrown out by 10 feet, ending the inning
with Seager in the on deck circle.
Validating why he is a Dodgers broadcaster, former shortstop Nomar
Garciapiarra, said that sending Grandal was a good decision. That
will probably get him rehired, but Nomar has some ‘splainin to do
about why it was a good decision to send a slow catcher in to try to
score from second on a short single to left with your second best
hitter ready to step in the batter’s box. Yeah, sure.
Dodgers’ pitcher Brandon McCarthy failed dismally to lay down a
sacrifice bunt. If you're going to accept the fact that pitchers are
terrible hitters, then you should have them spend a substantial
amount of their time in spring training learning how to put down a
sacrifice bunt. Yet pitchers are traditionally as bad at bunting as
they are in the other aspect of batting. The fact that nobody in
major league baseball knows how to properly put down a sacrifice
bunt is a disgrace. But the fact that a pitcher in the National
League can't put down a sacrifice bunt is due solely to lack of
training. Other players don't concentrate on bunting because they
are, basically, batters who want to hit the ball. As it is, watching
these pitchers try to bunt is akin to watching a circus clown.
Sunday’s game against Miami,
in the top of the seventh inning of a 3-0 game against Miami with
the bases loaded and 2 outs, NL home run leader Cody Bellinger was
at the plate and, guess what? Corey Seager gets picked off second
base! I repeat, the bases are loaded, 2 are out, and the NL
home run leader is at bat. And Seager gets picked off SECOND
BASE…WITH A RUNNER ON THIRD! Even one of the 3 Stooges wouldn’t be
so stupid as to be picked off second base in this situation.
Earlier in the week Bellinger led off the second inning with a
single and promptly got picked off first base.
week ago in the 8th inning first baseman Bellinger
wandered 45 feet to his right to intercept a routine ground ball hit
almost directly at the second baseman, resulting in an infield
single since no one was covering first, and depriving Clayton
Kershaw of his second no hitter.
Already this year at least two Dodgers runners have continued last
year’s practice and been thrown out trying to advance from second to
third on a ground ball hit in front of them to the shortstop.
I’m outa room, but I could go on and on. Manager Dave Roberts’ luck
keeps holding, because after all these bonehead plays, the Dodgers pull
victory from the jaws of defeat time and again and the faux pas are
overlooked or ignored because Roberts evidently takes no action to make
them play smarter since their gaffes continue to occur. To give Roberts
the benefit of the doubt, maybe he doesn’t know any more about how
baseball should be played than his oblivious players.