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Sports Medley: Sports and Freedom of Speech
Feb 15
by Tony Medley
The First Amendment to the Constitution provides, “Congress shall make
no law…abridging the freedom of speech...” That’s all well and good but
it doesn’t prohibit private corporations from making rules that abridge
the freedom of speech of their employees.
Incident #1:
In a recent Clippers-Cavaliers game, Chris Paul was called for a
technical foul. After the game he described what happened:
Someone was ridiculous. The technical I got was ridiculous. I don’t care
what nobody says; I don’t care what she says; that’s terrible. We try to
get the ball out fast every time and when we did she said, “Uh, uh.” I
said, “Why ‘Uh, uh?’” And she gave me a technical! That’s ridiculous. If
that’s the case then this might not be for her.
But there was more to it than that. Suddenly because the referee who
called the foul is female, Paul was castigated by knee-jerk feminists as
being sexist. Explained female reporter Ramona Shelburne, ESPN Senior
As soon as I saw those quotes come across the screen and saw them on
Twitter it didn’t look good. I started making some calls. What in the
heck was the meaning there…Now when you say, “this might not be for
‘her,’ that sounds dismissive and the use of the pronoun ‘her’ is what
got everybody’s attention. Especially when you see the quote and you
read them and hear them.
To accuse someone as being sexist who uses the pronoun “her” to describe
a woman is the ultimate in political correct nonsense. Paul was hit
with a $25,000 fine. How much of the fine was for criticizing the
referee and how much for using the pronoun “her” to describe her is
unknown. But if anyone thought that the NBA would have a wiser head on
this issue, read on.
Incident #2:
Donald Sterling, longtime owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, had a
private conversation recorded without his permission (in violation of
California law) in which he made a racially offensive comment. The woman
to whom he made the comment then made the recording public. New NBA
commissioner, Adam Silver, jumped on the controversy. He banned Sterling
for life from the NBA and ordered him to dispose of the franchise. He
did all this without a hearing, without even a scintilla of fair play
and the appearance of justice for Sterling. Because what he did was
popular, he basked in the glow of unremitting praise. Civil
libertarians, however, should have been astonished. The First Amendment
has nothing to do with this because the NBA is a private organization.
But even private organizations should be bound by rules of fair play and
the appearance of justice. Regardless of how heinous an act is
committed, the accused should be entitled to his “day in court.” He
should be entitled to a hearing, to be presented with the evidence
against him, given the right to contest it, and to give a defense. But
not with Silver, an attorney from bigtime Wall Street firm, Cravath,
Swain & Moore, with a law degree from the University of Chicago that
apparently does not have a course in ethics. If it did, and if Silver
had taken it, the thought probably would have wafted through his head,
“Maybe I ought to hear Mr. Sterling’s side of the story in person before
I render a decision.” But the plaudits from the media were so deafening
that Silver’s better judgment, if he has one, was overwhelmed. Because
race was involved, and because Sterling is unpopular, until today I have
yet to see anybody with the temerity to criticize Silver’s unilateral