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To Catch a Killer (4/10)

by Tony Medley

 119 Minutes.


This is a strange story of the chase to find a serial killer. Eleanor (Shailene Woodley) is a fledgling police investigator who has a troubled past when she is drafted by the FBI’s chief investigator (Ben Mendelsohn) to help track the killer down. She is demeaned by others because of her youth, inexperience, and psychological problems, but Mendelsohn has faith in her mainly because he recognizes that her verstehen makes her the only person who could somehow intellectually identify with the killer and understand him.

It's a tenuous proposition and it leads to a denouement that challenges reason, given the sociopathy of the killer. Worse, it treats the vicious cold-blooded killer with surprising and blatantly unjustified sympathy and understanding.

