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Ticket to Paradise (4/10)

by Tony Medley

102 minutes.


It’s a shame that such beautiful scenery (supposed to be Bali but was filmed in Queensland, Australia) is wasted on such a trifling, inept movie, despite a sterling performance by Kaitlyn Dever, soon-to-be-married daughter of fighting divorced, disapproving parents George Clooney and Julia Roberts, whose phony Kamala Harris-cackling laugh is still one of the more annoying things in Hollywood celluloid. This is apparently a fruitless attempt at a screwball comedy, but writer (with Daniel Pipski)/director Ol Parker is no Alan Dwan or writer Wilson Collison (1944’s Up in Mabel’s Room, 1945’s Getting Gertie’s Garter, etc.) and Clooney is definitely no Dennis O’Keefe. ‘Nuf said.

