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The Real Story of January 6 (10/10)

102 minutes


This is mainly for those who get their information from the MSM, mainly The NY Times, WAPO, LA Times, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNBC, and CNN, who perfected what has come to be known as “Fake News” in their breathless, unquestioning reporting of The Russia Hoax, the Mueller Witch Hunt, and, specifically, the January 6 Committee run by Nancy Pelosi and petulant, vindictive Lynn Cheney, who hates Donald Trump because he told the truth about her neocon father, Dick. Directed by Joshua Philipp, written by Philipp and Joseph M Hanneman, this movie tells the truth that you will not hear from the referenced sources.

The proponents and apologists of this obviously biased and closed-minded Jan. 6 Committee falsely claim many deaths as a result of Jan. 6 caused by the people protesting what they viewed to be an unfair election. In fact, the only people who died on Jan. 6 were four Trump supporters, two of whom were arguably murdered by Capitol Police, Ashli Babbit and Rosanne Boyland.

The unarmed Ashli Babbit had her life terminated by police Lt. Michael Byrd. The video shows that he pointed the gun at her for several seconds and then shot for no apparent reason, killing her. He was in no immediate threat of physical harm from her or anyone. The film shows the execution in its entirety.

The video also shows that Babbit was trying to stop the person who was breaking the window, Zachary Alam, and she even punched him in the face to get him to stop. She was yelling to the police to try to get them to stop what was going on. Then Byrd shot her. And suddenly instead of being a heroine, she was a rioter and seditionist. The craven Byrd was almost immediately exonerated after hiding out for a while, with a one paragraph letter declining to prosecute from Channing D. Phillips, Assistant U.S. Attorney. Compare that with the treatment of the Minnesota police involved in the death of the hoodlum George Floyd.

Stan Kephart, police use-of-force consultant, says of Byrd’s refusal to testify, “He has a duty and responsibility to be Lybargered* which requires that he answer their questions in an internal affairs investigation or face termination for refusing to answer. He has no right to withhold an answer. My conclusion was that based on what I saw and observed in the video clip Ashley Babbitt was murdered. She was shot and killed under color of authority by an officer who violated not only the law, but his oath and committed an arrestable offense.”

DC officer Lyla Morris beat Rosanne Boyland while Boyland was down and unconscious. She later died. Says Kephart, “It is definitely a crime that was committed by officer Morris when she struck the downed person. This is assault under cover of authority with intent to do great bodily harm. She was seriously attempting to injure Rosanne Boyland by striking her when she was in a downed position and unconscious.” The video of Morris continuously swinging on the unconscious Boyland is extraordinarily upsetting.

Luke Coffee was trying to protect Boyland and save her and he held a crutch over his head to push the brutal police back and to give Boyland some air and keep her from being beaten. He explains what happened to him. He is being charged with a felony and the plea deal offered was 10 years in prison. For trying to save Rosanne Boyland’s life. That’s today’s DOJ. No charges have been brought against Lyla Morris.

The DC Medical Examiner then compounded the problem by reporting that she died “from a drug overdose, not trampling” and not beaten to death by the police. Watch the video. The Boyland Family felt they had to contest this and hired their own pathologist who came to a much different conclusion, that drugs had nothing to do with her death.

There is so much more in this film.

Joseph Hanneman, investigative reporter for The Epoch Times, “There was plenty of police provocation. The initial use of explosives started about 1:05 in the afternoon when police launched explosives into the crowd, which was pretty much just milling there and standing. Some had projectiles like pellets that rained down and some had tear gas in them. When they landed, they caused injuries, and they got an angry response. They continued firing into the crowd for well over an hour.” Kephart agrees, “That was a shooting gallery out there” (film of a shooter standing on a platform shooting indiscriminately into the crowd).

Hanneman, “People at the Capitol were already breaching some of the security lines before the President had stopped speaking…, It was definitely stirring the pot effect and eventually it did come to a boil.”

Film of an officer pushing someone off the wall, causing him to fall twenty feet and be seriously injured. Kephart “It is unconscionable for an officer to do such a thing. The officer is required to take that person off the wall, strip-cuff him, take that person into custody and arrest him.”

Films of Trump supporter Victoria White being beaten by several police officers. She says, “There are no words to describe how I feel right now. The fact that we are labeled as terrorists, as racists. I am a mom of four mixed race daughters. I love all people. People’s lies about us are causing myself and other January sixers to endure unspeakable hell and justice for us seems almost impossible.” She concludes saying, “If they can lie about me, they can lie about everybody that day.”

Others covered of whom you have probably never heard: 

Matthew Perna, Jan 6 def who committed suicide.

Jake Lang still held in solitary confinement in order to get him to plead to a 10-year jail sentence.

 Officer Brian Sicknick was reported murdered when he actually died of a stroke later.

Ray Epps was all over the place encouraging people to go to the Capitol and to go into the Capitol, but he hasn’t been charged with anything, which is highly suspicious and leads to the conclusion that there was big DOJ involvement in inciting illegal behavior and that Epps was part of it. But Epps hasn’t even been called to testify by the Jan 6 Committee. Why? Do you think they all know the entire thing was a setup?

Was Jan 6 entrapment? Keplar,” The definition of the crime of entrapment is in whose mind the crime occurred first. If an officer were to do something that he knew would provoke a response that would be arrestable if he did that act, that would be the classic act of entrapment and he or she would be entrapping the protestor to violate the law. If an officer invited somebody into the Capitol Building knowing that he was then going to charge that person with trespassing, that would be entrapment. From everything I have looked at in this case, I believe that there was a conscious, if not stated, certainly endorsed and supported reaction on the part of the police to create a circumstance where they could use force and make arrests.”


·         * If a witness has information that may incriminate themselves in a future criminal proceeding, the witness may refuse to participate in the investigation, and the witness may not be disciplined for such refusal, unless and until the witness is provided assurances that the use of the compelled testimony and evidence derived from such testimony will not be used in any subsequent criminal case in which (s)he is a defendant (i.e. immunity).

·         If a witness nevertheless is compelled to testify in the proceeding without such protections from self-incrimination, the testimony is inadmissible against him/her in a later criminal prosecution.

·         If immunity from use of the evidence in a later criminal proceeding is provided the employee, the employee may be disciplined if (s)he still fails to cooperate in the investigation.


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