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Science for Hire (9/10)

by Tony Medley

120 minutes


George Washington warned us about foreign entanglements and Ike warned us against the military-industrial complex. Subsequent Presidents, beginning with Wilson in the 20th Century, ignored Washington and, starting with Kennedy, Ike’s immediate successor, they ignored Ike and Washington.

Now voices who seem to be crying in the wilderness are warning us about a new threat, the medical/pharmaceutical/government/media complex (my term). That is what this movie is about. It calls out all the lies that were communicated by Tony Fauci during the AIDs era and expanded exponentially by the Covid era, when they reached an unbelievable zenith. Lies that were repeated ad nauseum by the compliant media.

This film shows innumerable factual statistics, including showing in live action just a few of the many deaths of athletes who died on the playing field after receiving the Covid jabs. It reveals that worldwide heart attack deaths among soccer players in 2021 were 278% higher than the 12-year average. According to Dr. Peter C. Gotzsche there are 200,000 deaths a year from pharmaceutical drugs alone.

It points out that the CDC does no testing. All drug testing is done by the pharmaceutical companies alone! How can that be possible? Shouldn’t drugs be tested by an independent source? So, Pfizer “tests” its drug and says it’s OK and the CDC then approves it with no independent testing, the government grants Pfizer (and other pharmaceuticals) immunity from any damages their drug causes, and Pfizer reaps billions. That’s nonsense.

And the lies continued. First it was that the jabs were a vaccine. When they discovered that was a lie, they changed the definition of vaccine! Then it was that if you get the jab, you won’t get Covid, promulgated endlessly by Joe Biden. Then when that was proven a lie, they said if you get the jab and you then get Covid, it won’t be as bad as if you were “unvaccinated.” That is patently unprovable. Then it was that the jabs won’t hurt you.

However, according to Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-Founder & President, National Vaccine Information Center:


The mRNA COVID vaccines are associated with many ugly side effects, especially ones that compromise the blood and heart and can cause death. Online it has been dubbed the “clot shot,” even as owners of social media platforms try to shut down all conversations about serious COVID vaccine reactions being reported online, in the medical literature, and to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

There have been more than 1.3 million adverse events reported to VAERS after mRNA COVID vaccinations, including heart, brain and immune system damage and death. These 1.3 million reports represent more than half of all vaccine reactions reported for all vaccines since VAERS became operational in 1990 under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act,66 while less than one percent of all vaccine reactions are reported to VAERS.67

The mRNA COVID vaccine is the most reactive one ever distributed in the U.S. to the entire population.

You will probably not have access to this film anywhere but online, because no Hollywood production company will distribute it and the media won’t publicize it, so here’s a link. Truth dies in darkness. I am not an enthusiastic viewer of two-hour films like this, but I couldn’t turn this one off. It disproves each and every lie the medical/pharmaceutical/government/media complex has promulgated. Here is the link:



