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Click the book to read the first chapter and for
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Thumbnails Jul 15
by Tony Medley
Humpback Whales (10/10):
This film tells the story of the Humpback Whales’ comeback from a
population 200 years ago of 250,000 to where there were only 12,500
left. Their comeback has been remarkable as now there are approximately
100,000. As usual with the work of father and son team Greg and Shaun
McGillivray, the IMAX photography is mind-boggling. Because of the size
of the film, 10 times larger than normal 35mm film, it has 10 times the
clarity. When you add 3-D to the IMAX, the result is a visual experience
you will never forget.
Love and Mercy (9/10):.
Although there are snippets of lots of Beach Boys songs, this is far
from a musical. Instead it’s the story of ground-breaking
writer/singer/guitarist Dennis Wilson and his battle back from drugs and
mental illness, along with the battle of his wife-to-be, Melinda
(Elizabeth Banks), to rescue him from the grasp of Los Angeles
psychotherapist Dr. Eugene Landy (Paul Giamatti), who had made Dennis a
virtual prisoner. The film is comprised of tandem tales of Dennis (Paul
Dano) as a young man, and then a couple of decades later (John Cusack)
fighting his demons. I’d give lots of Oscar® nominations to this film,
especially to Dano, Cusack, Giamatti, and Banks, as well as director
Bill Pohland.
Jurassic World (9/10):
This is as good a monster thriller as you will ever see. The special
effects are mind-boggling, the 3D doesn’t dilute the color and is
ever-present, and the story is good enough to hold interest for over two
hours. When you’re dealing with an island full of dinosaurs created from
DNA, you don’t expect crushing reality.
Big Game (5/10):
The cast in this, Samuel L. Jackson, Felicity Huffman, and Jim
Broadbent, led me to believe that it might be something worthwhile
seeing. This is an interesting idea, but it needs a better story, a
better script, more believable situations, and better music.
Aloha (5/10):
How could you go wrong with a film that has Rachel McAdams and Emma
Stone for the guys and Bradley Cooper for the gals, set in Hawaii? This
answers that question. Exacerbating the woefully weak story, Director
Cameron Crowe has such washed out scenes of Hawaii it might as well have
been filmed in Needles. The best performance in the film is by Danielle
Rose Russell, who plays Grace, McAdams’ daughter. Her short performance
at the end of the film (totally unconnected to the story) is
Oscar®-nomination quality. Alas, even with the three gorgeous stars,
that’s not enough to justify the price of admission.
Entourage (2/10):
When that great scorekeeper in the sky comes to write of the awful films
of 2015, Entourage will be near the top of the list. Perhaps the worst
part of this deplorable film is the appearance of Ronda Rousey, the
Ultimate Fighting Championship’s undefeated bantamweight champion and
Olympic medalist in judo. She should stick to fighting. Every time she
grunts a line it’s clear that she belongs in the ring, grunting with
each punch.
Ted 2 (1/10):
One would think that good-looking, clean cut personable writer/director
Seth MacFarlane, was a person with good values. But here’s what he said
on national TV to Bill Maher, “I like a good A—F--- as much as the next
guy.” He is a vulgarian who shows in this film that he represents the
worst of Hollywood. Here he presents one stomach-churning crudity after
another and represents them as comedy. Filled with F-bombs and
ridiculous situations that don’t even qualify as sophomoric, Ted 2, is
an unfunny, vulgar sequel that aims for the lowest common denominator.