Song One (3/10)
by Tony Medley
Runtime 86 minutes.
OK for children
This is the kind of a movie that gives Indies a bad name. The brother of
Franny (Anne Hathaway), Henry (Dan Rosenfield), who is kind of an
itinerant singer–guitar player, has an accident and is lingering in a
coma in a hospital. Franny spends a lot of time sitting by his bedside
waiting for him to come out of it (tick, tock, tick, tock).
She apparently feels guilty because they have been sort of estranged.
When the film mercifully cuts to scenes of her having a love affair with
a prominent, popular folk singer James Forrester (Johnny Flynn), one
realizes how comparatively action-packed it was to watch her sitting by
her brother’s bedside.
There’s a lot of talk, a lot of shots of James and Franny thinking, and
some dialogue between Franny and her mother, played by Mary Steenburgen.
The music’s not bad, though.