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The Help (7/10)
by Tony Medley
Run time 137
OK for children.
This is a pretty
good film, even if it is a chick flick, and even though it's almost
unbearably heavy-handed. Actually, I thought it was pretty excruciating
to sit through. Emma Stone gives another magnificent performance as the
writer of the novel "The Help," about black maids in Jackson,
Mississippi in 1963.
Based on Kathryn
Stockett's big-selling novel of the same name, the film is basically
told from the POV of all the black maids who worked for middle to upper
class white families in Jackson. Although Stockett claims that her
impetus was her relationship with her family's black maid, Demetrie,
Stockett was born in 1969, six years after the setting for her novel, so
she could really have no personal knowledge of what happened then.
Stockett, however, is a wide-eyed ingénue. In 2009 she said, "I have
never been more proud of the United States than I am this year. We have
elected an African-American president. We have the stellar Michelle
Obama setting the standard for American women." Clearly she is one of
the millions of people who support Obama, a man without credentials,
qualification, or accomplishment, solely because of his race, which is
just as racist as the women about whom she writes in The Help.
The villains are
all the women of Jackson's Junior League and their bridge club. Bridge
players (and I'm one) might have a defamation lawsuit because they are
not shown in a sympathetic light, to say the least.
Emma Stone plays
the protagonist, Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan, who returns from college to
be outraged at the way her family maid, Constantine (Cicely Tyson), the
alter ego for Demetrie, was apparently summarily fired by Skeeter's
mother, Charlotte (Allison Janney). She establishes a relationship with
Aibileen (Viola Davis), the maid for her friend Hilly (Bryce Dallas
Howard, who gives a stunning performance as the heavy), and gets her to
start talking for the record about what her subservient life is like.
It's ultimately a feel-good movie with the oppressed blacks getting
their revenge.
This is clearly
a political movie. While most people will probably see this and say, tsk,
tsk, wasn't life awful then, if they were to think a little, what
Aibileen and Constantine had to endure is what illegal Hispanics must
endure today. I kept thinking of Tom Tancredo, the boneheaded former
Republican Congressman from Colorado who wanted to throw all 13 million
of them out of the country, even though probably 12 million of the 13
million illegals are good, God-fearing people, who just want to earn a
good life for their family by doing jobs American citizens eschew, like
being housemaids and gardeners. Only a dope (and there are obviously a
lot of them in Washington, D.C., mostly in Congress and The White House)
would think the solution is to throw all 13 million out of the country
when the Federal Government all but invited them to cross the border
But to get back
to the movie, the acting is superb throughout. True, the script (by
director Tate Taylor) is clumsy and lacking in ingenuity, but this is a
movie and he apparently felt he had to make the junior league ladies
(and Skeeter's mother) caricatures in order to create the good guy-bad
guy dichotomy. A more nuanced script and story would have been far more