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Click the book to read the first chapter and for
ordering information.
The Pink Panther 2 (0/10)
by Tony Medley
Run Time: Rated at 106 minutes, I timed it at
around 90 minutes.
It seems to me the height of arrogance, if not
stupidity, to try to remake a movie in which the leading role was made
iconic by the original. The “Pink Panther” series, originated by
writer-director Blake Edwards, consisted mostly of relatively unfunny,
unentertaining, bland spoofs. The only one that exceeded mediocrity was
the original, “The Pink Panther” (1963), which not only had the
legendary Peter Sellers as the bumbling Inspector Clouseau, but a good
cast that included David Niven and Robert Wagner to go along with him.
Except for his incredible performance in “Dr. Strangelove” (1964) the
next year in which he played four roles, this was Sellers’ definitive
role. In fact, as his career faded he came back to Clouseau time and
again, playing the inspector five times in toto. Except for “A Shot in
the Dark” (1964), the sequels were all pretty dismal. Even so, Sellers’
performances had a panache to them that made the role his.
Steve Martin is trying to revive the franchise
and his performances are simply unwatchable. While Sellers played
Clouseau as a bumbling fool who didn’t recognize his ineptitude, he was
lovable. Martin’s take is to play him as an unlikable egomaniac. In
effect, Martin is not playing Clouseau, he’s playing Sellers playing
Clouseau and it is a dismal thing to watch.
Given the deplorable script (Martin, Scott
Neustadter & Michael H. Weber), all this is, is a film about accents and
that’s hardly enough to hold an audience for an hour and a half.
Martin’s faux French accent just gets more annoying as the film
progresses, as do the accents of the rest of the cast, especially Emily
Mortimer and Andy Garcia. With no story, and the fact that Martin had a
lot of creative input into the film, director Harald Zwart was left to
concentrate on accents.
Steve Martin was at the apex of standup
comedians in the late ‘70s. The only people I’ve seen who could compete
with him in terms of pure humor were Richard Pryor and Mort Sahl. But
Pryor and Sahl were intellectual standups. Martin played the fool. It
was funny on Saturday Night Live. As far as I’m concerned, it bombs on
the big screen, and has for the thirty years Martin has been trying.
How bad is this? John
Cleese has the capability to be one of the funniest men on the face of
the earth. Given good material, like “Fawlty
a 1975 TV series, he is one of the best. But, then, Cleese wrote his own
material for “Fawlty
(and the enormously uneven “Monty Python”). This film, in which he is
forced to utter lines written by others (one of them Martin), makes him
look about as funny as a guy waiting to cross the street.
There is nothing remotely funny in this idiotic film. It’s not a
coincidence that
MGM and
Columbia waited until the dead of winter to release this
February 4, 2009