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Terminator Salvation (9/10)

by Tony Medley

Runtime 114 Minutes.

Not for children.

This is a slam-bank, action packed, high tension film set in a post-apocalyptic California, pitting the machines of Skynet against John Conner’s (Christian Bale) humans who have survived Judgment Day, which wiped out most of mankind when machines took over the world.

Loaded with special effects and filmed with a background of treeless desolation, this is the type of film I generally abhor. But director McG, whose previous efforts have consisted of the deplorable (but profitable) “Charlie’s Angels” (2000) and its sequel, “Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle (2003), and the equally disappointing “We Are Marshall” (2006), has taken a story and script by John Brancato & Michael Ferris) and delivered a story that kept me in thrall throughout its almost two hour runtime.

While Conner is the prime mover in this society, he’s joined by a new character, Marcus Wright (heartthrob Sam Worthington, who should make most ladies’ hearts flutter), who is executed at the beginning of the film, but donates his body for resurrection in the future. What he comes back as is not what he anticipates.

While this is science fiction, and by definition, absurd, the story is so well done that it captivated me. There is non stop tension in this film that also adds some love interest. This film has everything but beautiful landscapes. It’s a good story and has terrific action.

Maybe the only detriment to the film is that it is annoyingly loud.
