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Sports Medley: Is UCLA’s Admission policy biased against whites? 21 Mar 16

 by Tony Medley

"Ah, so! You are surprised I speak your language. You see, I was educated in your country: at U. C. R. A." Coplas! Dave Guard, The Kingston Trio, 1958

I get Letters: From a longtime friend who was a professional in network sports and movie production, responding to last week’s column about the dismal support of UCLA’s basketball program by its fans. He claims it has nothing to do with the quality of UCLA’s basketball team. Here’s the gist of his letter:


Foreign students don't care about UCLA hoops, Tony. Caucasians of this country don't go to that school anymore. The place is unrecognizable; like you're in a 3rd world country. And I believe it's all the fault of UCLA and its horrible admissions policies. 

 Wisconsin, whose hoops team is in the tournament for the 18th straight year, never having finished worse than 4th in the conference all those years, sells out every game...a 7th seed this year in tourney.  Lots of schools sell out. Then again, those schools don't just cater to minorities like UCLA does.  Sadly!

I'd like to take the UCLA issue a step further here...because when I moved out here more than three decades ago. I moved to an apartment in Westwood on the corner of Kelton and Rochester, a 2 minute walk into Westwood. I wanted to live in Westwood because of UCLA hoops, the cheerleaders, the aurora of it all.  Even though the film production company that brought me out here was located in Sherman Oaks on Ventura Blvd. I wanted Westwood.  I'd go there with friends, check out the sports events, even workout on the track with world class athletes I'd met filming around the world.  Westwood was a happening place!  Movie openings on Friday nights, great restaurants, cool boutiques, always great looking chicks to hit on or just watch...it was magic to me and the place to be.  I was in heaven.

 Have you been to Westwood lately?  It's a ghost town.  Boarded up shops, empty store fronts everywhere.  It's shocking.  What happened to that gem of a small town next to UCLA?  It's Deadwood, not Westwood. UCLA killed Westwood.

 So I decided to check out his theory. Is my friend just on a racist rant (I’ve known him for a long time and he’s nothing close to a racist; just because a white person thinks Obama is a lousy President, for example, doesn’t make him a racist any more than a black person thinking that Nixon was a lousy President makes him a racist; people can dislike the policies or actions or character of a person of another race for reasons other than the color of their skin, and the same is true with quoting facts that support a position), or is there something to back up what he says? How do major schools compare in ethnic diversity with the country as a whole? The two highest rated public Universities are the University of Virginia and UCLA. Here’s the ethnic breakdown among some major schools and the USA as a whole:


UVA  Michigan    Harvard     UCLA USC  Stanford    USA

Black                 6%    5%            5%            4%    5%    4%         12%

Asian                 11%  13%          15%          33%  22%  22%          6%

Hispanic             5%     4%            8%          19%  14%  11%        18%

International       6%                    15%          12%  12% 

Native American   0%    0.2%         0%            0.5%         0.2%         1%

White                57%  66%          46%          27%  41%  46%          62%

Unknown            11%  8%            6%            3%    6%    14%

 The facts must be shocking to those who yearn for “affirmative action” and clearly unconstitutional discrimination against whites for them to see that whites are grossly under-represented at all these major universities (except Michigan) in comparison with the ethnic breakdown of the United States as a whole.

 So while Asians only make up 6% of the U.S. population as a whole, they comprise 33% of UCLA’s student body, far above their percentage at any of the other Universities checked. Hispanics comprise 19%, again much higher than the others, although in line with their percentage of the US population. 52% of UCLA’s student body is Asian or Hispanic, almost double the number of whites, 27%, even though whites make up 62% of the population of the U.S.

 Could UCLA’s Admission policy be related to intelligence? Here is the average IQ of various ethnic groups according to one report:*

 Black Americans          85

Asian Americans          106

Hispanic Americans       89

White Americans         103

 So the disparity in ethnic breakdown at UCLA does not seem to be related to intelligence. The question remains, is the fact of the high minority population of the UCLA student body the cause of the lack of attendance at its basketball games?

 I can’t answer that question. But a more interesting question is why is UCLA so over represented by minorities, especially Asians and Hispanics, and so under-represented by whites when it doesn’t seem justified by either their representation in the population (which would be unconstitutional) or the reported average intelligence of the various ethnic groups?

 *Created Equal 
Race, Genes And Intelligence
By William Saletan
Slate Online

