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This is the book UCLA Athletic Director J.D. Morgan tried to ban. Out of print for more than 30 years, read the first and most controversial book about UCLA basketball at an introductory price of $9.99. Tells the true story of John Wooden’s years as UCLA basketball coach from 1947-1972, including 7 NCAA Championships.

I used UCLA Basketball: The Real Story by H. Anthony Medley as an inspiration when we ended UCLA’s 88-game winning streak in 1974.

            Digger Phelps, Head Basketball Coach, Notre Dame


About the author:

Attorney H. Anthony Medley was Sports Editor of the UCLA Daily Bruin and saw the majority of UCLA home basketball games from 1954 through 1972. He is the author of Sweaty Palms: The Neglected Art of Being Interviewed, the first book ever written on the job interview for the interviewee, a staple in the industry since first published in 1978. He is also the author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Bridge, which is now in its second edition. His articles have been published in numerous newspapers and magazines such as The Hollywood Reporter, Los Angeles Magazine, and Good Housekeeping, among others. He is a film critic accredited by the Motion Picture Association of America and his critiques appear in several newspapers and on the Internet on the Movie Review Query Engine ( and Rotten Tomatoes (




