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Sports Medley: MVP
Cam Newton refuses to dive for a loose ball and loses the Super Bowl 8
Feb 16
by Tony Medley
Two things stand out
from this inept Super
NFL officials are
atrocious and, true to what they did all season, they turned the
game around with seven minutes remaining in the first quarter.
Carolina, trailing 3-0, on first down at their 15, completed a 25
yard pass for a first down at their 40. But the officials ruled it
incomplete. Replays showed clearly that the ball never hit the
ground and that it was a completed pass, but they inexplicably
(literally; there was no explanation) upheld the ruling on the field
and returned the ball to the 15. Two plays later lethargic Carolina
quarterback Cam Newton fumbled and Denver recovered in the end zone
resulting in Denver’s only touchdown until a gift at the end of the
game, and robbing Carolina of a challenge. This erroneous call
completely changed the game. If these incompetent officials can’t
get it right in the biggest game of the year when they can replay it
in slow motion, how do they keep their jobs? Don’t expect any
consequences from their NFL commissars.
In the fourth
quarter on 3rd and 9 on their own 24, trailing by 6,
16-10, with a little over 4 minutes left on the clock, Newton had
the ball knocked out of his hand. He was closer than one foot to the
loose ball, and as a Denver player had his arm out reaching for it,
all Newton had to do was fall on it on the 18 yard line, but he
declined to fall on it. Instead he backed away, allowing Denver to
eventually recover inside the five yard line, which ended all
reasonable hope for Carolina. With the Super Bowl on the line,
Newton just let Denver recover and the game was basically over. The
question is, why was 245 lb. Cam Newton, who has been increasingly
verbose and egotistical while his publicity got him awarded the MVP,
too chicken to dive for a ball, possession of which held his team’s
only chance. This is an MVP? Even when she was seven years old,
Shirley Temple would have shown more gumption.
They should be NFL
I don’t know who the CBS audio engineers were for the halftime show, but
they were as inept as the game officials. It was impossible to hear the
lyrics or melodies of the songs played at halftime. All it was was crowd
and rhythm noise that drowned out the singers, and a bunch of people
trying to dance (not very successfully from my point of view). Surely in
this day and age there’s someone in television who can figure out how to
pick up the audio of the singers.
Oh, those highly
educated sports broadcasters:
“Have you seen enough
of Matt Cassel so that he wouldn’t have to play no football?” Cris
Carter, the moral judgment-challenged ESPN football analyst, a graduate
of The Ohio State University, who is frequently mentioned in this
“You’re going to hear
Trey and I,” Mike Golic, ESPN Radio, graduate of Notre Dame, another
regular contributor to this segment.
“When me and my
husband first got together…,” Lafern Cusack, educational level, if any,
unknown, hostess of “The Experience,” an ESPN Radio interview show.
How little they know:
Josh Weinstock of moviepilot.com, giving a review of the upcoming movie,
Race, on the aforementioned Lafern’s show, “It’s about the
1936 Berlin Olympics shortly after the end of The Great Depression.”
Sorry, Josh, but
in 1939, almost ten
years after it began with the Crash in 1929 and three years after the
Berlin Olympics to which you refer, more than one in five Americans
still could not find work.
In 1936, we had barely reached the halfway point and were still in the
depths of the Depression. You could look it up.
change-the-channel commercial:
The annoying commercial with the guy on the rooftop fighting off bad
guys when his clueless mother calls him on his cell phone and jabbers
about her cats or whatever. What’s Warren Buffet’s Geico thinking? That
they want to put down, insult, and be condescending of elderly white
mothers who love their sons? Yeah, that’s a good way to sell insurance,
or anything. ‘Tain’t funny (or even clever), McGee.
Junk Television:
Was there anything on the tube more unwatchable than CBS’s 7 ½ hour lead
in to The Super Bowl?
Three possibilities:
The halftime
The uninspired
The game (maybe
they should rename it The Stupor Bowl).