Out of print for more than 30 years, now available for the first time as
an eBook, this is the controversial story of John Wooden's first 25
years and first 8 NCAA Championships as UCLA Head Basketball Coach.
This is the only book that gives a true picture of the character of John
Wooden and the influence of his assistant, Jerry Norman, whose
contributions Wooden ignored and tried to bury.
Compiled with
more than 40 hours of interviews with Coach Wooden, learn about the man behind the coach.
The players tell their their stories in their own words.
Click the book to read the first chapter and for
ordering information. Also available on Kindle.
Jun 12
by Tony
(9/10): After suffering
through The Avengers (see below), I had despaired the future of
the aliens-invade-earth genre. It seemed as if story and character
development had been sacrificed for nothing but special effects. Not so
here. A no-holds-barred fight to the finish against enormous odds,
unlike Avengers this is emotionally involving, containing real
people with normal human feelings who can actually die as characters you
can care about. They all get caught up in this cataclysmic battle aided
by, but not dependent upon, outstanding special effects.
The Best
Exotic Marigold Hotel (9/10):
Tom Wilkinson's performances are so
good that he sometimes goes unnoticed. OK, he was great, so what else is
new? Same with Judi Dench. But director John Madden entices outstanding
performances out of the entire ensemble cast. Bill Nighy and Celia Imrie
are excellent in pivotal roles. The entire concept wouldn't have worked
but for Dev Patel's performance as the harried hotel proprietor. But
head and shoulders above them all is Penelope Wilton who is captivating
as Nighy's unhappy wife. Adding to the movie's charm is Ben Davis's
affectionate cinematography of the picturesque locations in Jaipur and
Udaipur, India.
Intouchables (9/10):
Sometimes laugh out loud funny, Omar Sy and Francois Cluzet shine in
this positive, feel good comedy based on a true story about a rich,
patrician quadriplegic (Cluzet) and his hoodlum caretaker (Sy) that
received nine 2012 César nominations, one of which was won by Sy as
Best Actor. In French
Safe (8/10):
Impressive stunts, including lots of fine car chases, and constant
tension drive this film. Not really a revenge movie à la Charles
Bronson's Death Wish films, what makes this fun is that the bad
guys are really hateful, which makes their comeuppance all the more
Dark Shadows
(7/10): Unlike the soap
opera, which was pretty dark, this is entirely comedic. Unfortunately,
there are not any belly laughs because except for Johnny Depp's typical
over-the-top performance for his longtime pal, director Tim Burton, as
the vampire Barnabas, it just isn't that funny. Unless you're a member
of the Dark Shadows cult the main reason for seeing this is for
Depp's appealing performance and the charming way he choreographs the
use of his hands, à la Robert Preston in "The Music Man."
(5/10): This is a
light-hearted, whimsical romantic comedy based on the fallacious idea
that the vibrator was invented to, well, relieve women's tensions, so to
speak. Unfortunately, the film is at least 90% fiction; the only truth
being that Hugh Dancy's character did invent the vibrator, but he never
"percussed" women and never intended his invention to be used for that
purpose. Everyone and everything else in the film are fictional.
The Avengers
(5/10): It's
understandable how this film could have cost almost a quarter of a
billion dollars to make. The special effects are incredible and it's got
a huge, A-list cast. But, except for the fact that it will probably mint
the money, this is little more than 2 hours and 20 minutes of special
effects and idiotic fights. As to the story, it's like all the
superheroes are trying out at the Improv to see who can give the best
one-liner, which kills any possibility of a tense drama. Since it's not
particularly funny and it's not tense, what's the point? Oh, yeah,
money; well, so much for art. This is pretty much a waste of time unless
you love special effects and comic books.
Mankell's Wallender: The Revenge (3/10):
As with most of Mankell's Wallender
books, this is slow with a lot of talk and thinking, but little pace or
action. In Swedish.