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Dec 12
by Tony
A Royal
Affair (9/10): This is a
tense, wonderfully entertaining political thriller about a romance in
the 18th Century that is taught in Danish schools and has been the
subject of 15 books, a ballet, and an opera in Denmark. One of my female
friends fell in love with Mads Mikkelsson, and I had the same feeling
about Alicia Vikander, so this should appeal to both sexes. They give
award-quality performances as the Queen and her revolutionary lover, as
does Mikkel Boe Følsgaard as the mad King Christian. The story is
brilliantly directed by Nikolaj Arcel, who captures the ambience of the
era, highlighted by captivating cinematography by Rasmus Videbæk. Some
of the scenes look like beautiful oil paintings and the royal settings
and clothes are plush. In Danish.
Anna Karenina
(7/10): Unfortunately
marred by an avant-garde setting in an old, decaying theater, because
director Joe Wright did not want to make another prosaic version of a
story that has been filmed many times, this is still an exceptionally
well acted and entertaining telling of Tolstoy's famous novel. Keira
Knightley and Aaron Taylor-Johnson may not be Greta Garbo and John
Gilbert (1927) or Frederic March (1935), but, if anything, they are
better. Jude law, almost unrecognizable, gives a fine performance as
Anna's cuckolded husband. Too bad that Wright didn't have enough
confidence in the story and his talent to tell it straight up.
(7/10): Directed by Sam
Mendes with a slew of writers, always a bad sign, this new Bond is still
filled with a lot of special effects. It tries for a big performance by
Oscar®-winner Javier Bardem as the bad guy, but Bardem's performance
doesn't live up to past Bond villains. On the positive side, in small
roles Albert Finney and Naomie Harris acquit themselves admirably and
Adele's theme music is terrific. Darker than all the others, this one is
devoid of the bon mots and sexual innuendo that highlight most Bond
films. Daniel Craig, the 8th actor to play Bond (if you count Barry
Nelson who played James in a 1954 black & white TV version of Casino
Royale), still runs like he's got diarrhea, and it is very, very
long. Even so, because of all the mindless action most people will
probably find it a relatively enjoyable way to kill almost three hours.
(5/10): Although it deals
with addiction in an interesting manner, the ending is just too
Hollywood, unlike the unhappy ending of Blake Edwards' much more
effective Days of Wine and Roses (1962) that really leaves the
viewer thinking. Despite fine performances by Denzel Washington and
Kelly Reilly Flight is easily forgettable, except for the first
half hour comprised entirely of the plane crash, which is grippingly
realistic and well done.
Rust and Bone
(5/10): The best things
about this film are the performances of Marion Cotillard and Matthias
Schoenaerts and the amazing CGI that makes it appear that Cotillard
actually had her legs cut off. Containing several scenes of both male
and female nudity, it is too violent and without one iota of humor,
which a movie this heavy needs to lighten the load and move it along.
In French.
What a Man
(0/10): I've been railing
against unreadable subtitles for years. This film is the worst example
I've seen of white on white subtitles that so blend with the background
they are completely unreadable. Didn't anybody view the final cut after
post production? Since you can't read the subtitles, unless you speak
German this film is a complete waste of time. In German.