Out of print for more than 30 years, now available for the first time as an eBook, this is the controversial story of John Wooden's first 25 years and first 8 NCAA Championships as UCLA Head Basketball Coach. This is the only book that gives a true picture of the character of John Wooden and the influence of his assistant, Jerry Norman, whose contributions Wooden  ignored and tried to bury.

Compiled with more than 40 hours of interviews with Coach Wooden, learn about the man behind the coach. The players tell their their stories in their own words. This is the book that UCLA Athletic Director J.D. Morgan tried to ban.

Click the book to read the first chapter and for ordering information. Also available on Kindle.

NUIT #1 (5/10)

by Tony Medley

Runtime 91 minutes.

Not for children.

The first fifteen minutes of this two character film consists of graphic sex between Clara (Catherine De Léan) and Nikolai (Dimitri Storoge). The remaining 76 minutes consists of them talking about their lives.

Set in Quebec, written and directed by Ann Émond, this is the story of two people who meet at a Rave, have sex, and then get to know one another. Nikolai is a real loser while Clara, a third grade teacher, is unhappy and confused which has driven her to live a life of sexual profligacy. All this is discussed in dialogue between the two of them in detail.

Production values are confusing. The lighting is inexplicable. The film takes place at night inside an apartment but the table light in the apartment is off. I kept wondering where the light was coming from because it looks like sunlight. The only way to know that it takes place all at night is when they occasionally stray outdoors and it's dark.

The film closes with a song written by Serge Gainsborg sung over the credits. The lyrics sound as if they pertain to the story, but since they are in French and there are no subtitles for the lyrics, one is left in the dark. Except for the graphic sex, this talkathong is pretty much a drag. In French.


