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The Campaign
by Tony Medley
Runtime 85
Not for
This could have
been a devastating indictment of political campaigns, but it would have
taken the talent of, oh, W. S. Gilbert who put the needle to British
politicians in the late 19th Century. Unfortunately, this is put
together by the members of the Hollywood left, led by director Jay Roach
and Will Ferrell, who constantly sinks into the depths of poor taste in
his use of language. Ferrell apparently thinks acting like a nincompoop
and using foul language equals comedy.
Instead of being
an even-handed indictment of politicians, the film comes across as a
diatribe of bias, blaming political corruption on corporations in the
form of the Motch Brothers (John Lithgow and Dan Aykroyd), who are
clearly based on the Koch Brothers, who support Republicans. But there's
nary a mention of all the money and political power of unions, who use
their members' mandatory dues to support Democrats. There's apparently
no realization by the Hollywood left that corporations are the main
source of American jobs.
Worse, Ferrell
and Roach think that coarse language is humorous. As a result, they
throw in every bad word in the English language for Ferrell to spout.
Without all the bad words, this might have had some redeeming value, but
Ferrell is so vulgar that it's off-putting and offensive.
Satire should be
relatively subtle to be effective. Ferrell, whose character might be
based on the scummy democrat John Edwards, is anything but subtle. His
opponent, Zach Galifianakis, who is probably supposed to be a Tea Party
composite, is unfortunately one-dimensional. The contrived situations
that make up the bulk of the film are simply ridiculous. That they are
generally of extreme low moral tone, handled correctly could have been
hilarious and effective, an appropriate comment on the morality of
politicians in general. But they are so clumsy that nobody laughed at my
screening and it was on the Warner Bros. lot. When something goes so far
over the top like this, it comes across as juvenile silliness.
Back in the day
producers protected children from scandalizing language and situations
when they appeared in films. In this one Roach has the two young
children of Zach Galifianakis say things that are disgusting. It's bad
enough to have to listen to them describe things their characters have
done, but one can't help but wonder how their parents could allow them
to mouth words like these in the script just because they are appearing
in a movie.
The feel-good
ending wimps out, completely contradicting Ferrell's character which the
entire film has exerted every effort to construct. Such an ending undoes
what seems to be the point of the film. |