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Take Me Home Tonight (0/10)
by Tony Medley
Run Time 97 minutes
Not for children.
Defying all odds, the movies
just keep getting worse. Hall Pass was awful, but then came
Drive Angry, which made Hall Pass seem like Gone With the
Wind. Now, however, Take Me Home Tonight makes one yearn for
Drive Angry.
This is a feeble attempt at a
post-teen romcom, but it’s a tale without a story, without humor,
without romance, and without reason. Apparently the film has been in the
can for ages. For some unknown reason Imagine Entertainment (Ron Howard
and Brian Glazer) decided to release it. Star Topher Grace, who gets a
story credit, wanted it to be reflective of life in Los Angeles in 1988
and insisted on a lot of drug use. He claims that Howard and Glazer
actually put more drug use back in the movie before releasing it.
Apparently they weren’t concerned that the film actually reflect Los
Angeles, though, because it was shot in Arizona. So much for reality.
Even though Grace was
searching for the 1980s, this has everything that makes 21st-Century
comedies horrible; profanity, vulgarity, vacuity, Vomit, and raunch,
along with a total lack of humor. Written by Jackie Filgo and Jeff Filgo
and directed by Michael Dowse, this is a movie with nothing for anyone.
Its only saving grace is a
good performance by Teresa Palmer, a Kristen Stewart look-alike, who
overcomes the horrible material with a performance that made one stop
cringing while she was onscreen.
Flying in the face of Grace’s
desire for reality, the cast is mostly people over thirty playing people
barely into their 20s. Grace is 32. Dan Fogler, who plays Grace’s
ridiculously silly friend, is 34, as is Anna Faris, who plays Grace’s
twin sister. Chris Pratt, who plays Faris’s boyfriend is 32. Lucy Punch
is 34. The only person in the cast who was age appropriate was Palmer,
who is 24. What, there are no 20-year-old actors in Hollywood anymore?
But Grace was more interested in getting all the drug use in the film
than he was in getting actors who looked the part. And that he did. But
what does Grace know about drug use in Los Angeles in 1988? He was 10
years old at the time.
The story is beyond silly, so
I’m not going to even start to tell it because it’s irrelevant to the
content of the film, which is irrelevant to reality and intelligence.