Fool’s Gold (3/10)
by Tony Medley
Maybe the most telling
commentary on this film is that even though the two leading actresses,
Kate Hudson and Alexis Dziena, spend much of their time in bikinis, the
largest breasts in the film belong to Matthew McConaughey. If you’re
making a film populated by bikini-clad women, said women should have a
reason to wear a bikini top.
It is obviously getting
more and more difficult for Hollywood to tell an original story. This
one has been told more times than I care to count. Every character has
appeared time and again each decade. There are the two gay men who are
lovable; a couple (Hudson and MCConnaughey) clearly in love with one
another who are divorcing and constantly spatting; a father (Donald
Sutherland) and daughter (Dziena) who misunderstand each other; a black
rapper (Kevin Hart) who is a bad guy; two other black stepnfetchit bad
guys who are more comedic than bad; a treasure that only the good guy
can find but which the bad guy discovers because he’s following the good
That’s enough of the plot
that has been beaten to death. If you want to see the entire story, see
the trailer. The only fools in this movie are the audience who paid to
get in.
What’s really dismaying is
that McConaughey seems to be wasting what should be a fertile career.
Here’s a guy who is good looking, appears athletic, and isn’t a bad
actor. Yet he continues to sign up for bad films with terrible scripts
like this. His list of less-than-mediocre films is as long as my arm.
These roles he continuously plays allow him to just mail in a
performance and still cash a big check. If he wants to take any pride in
what he does, he needs an integrity transplant. Ask yourself, Matthew,
would Russell Crowe appear in something like this more than once?
As to Hudson, she’s pretty
smart in that she realizes that about all she has to offer is a dazzling
smile. (For that matter, McConaughey has one of the best smiles in the
business, too. And he uses it with impunity. With the two of them
onscreen, I wished I had my sunglasses there was such an abundance of
glaring whitened teeth flashing at me in the sunshine of the Caribbean).
Hudson has blazed a career
playing the same character over and over and over again, based solely on
this smile. Still, she continues to get roles. As long as she can smile,
I guess her career is secure, unless the audience begins to demand a
little more from her. Come to think of it, I saw this on opening night
and the crowd was meager. Maybe they’ve already wised up and realized
that a smile isn’t worth ten bucks for two hours.
February 9, 2008