What REALLY goes on in a job interview? Find out in the new revision of "Sweaty Palms: The Neglected Art of Being Interviewed" by Tony Medley, updated for the world of the Internet . Over 500,000 copies in print and the only book on the job interview written by an experienced interviewer, one who has conducted thousands of interviews. This is the truth, not the ivory tower speculations of those who write but have no actual experience. "One of the top five books every job seeker should read," says Hotjobs.com. Click the book to order. Now also available on Kindle.


2022 California Primary Ballot Recommendations:

by Tony Medley 

As a matter of note, I know very little about most of these people. But from what little research I could do, these seem the best of the lot to me.


U.S. Senator – Full Term: Cordie Williams

U.S. Senator – Partial Term: Jon Elist

Governor: Brian Dahle

Lt Governor: David Fennell

Secretary of State: Rachel Hamm

Controller: Lanhee Chen

Treasurer: Jack Guerrero

Attorney General: Nathan Hochman

Insurance Commissioner: Robert Howell

Board of Equalization – District 4: Matthew Harper

Charter Amendment BB: No.

Mayor: Rick Caruso (Duh!)

Sheriff: Alex Villanueva -the only person in government who stands between us and total anarchy: he is my local political hero.

City Attorney: Kevin James


 I don’t know anything about judges, but a person I respect gave me these recommendations:






90—Lyons or Gutierrez 

116-Gelfound: Lloyd Handler is a good friend of mine but we are miles apart politically. Because of our friendship, I won’t be voting for Gelfound because I don’t want to cast a vote against Lloyd. But I can’t vote for him, either.


151-Hare or Brako


