Play like a pro with expert knowledge from a champion of the game
If you don't know the ins and outs of play, bridge can seem like an
intimidating game--but it doesn't have to be! Armed with the techniques
and strategies in the pages of this book, you'll be bidding and winning
hands like a boss! A good book for beginners, it has lots of advanced
techniques useful to experienced players, too. This is as close to
an all-in-one bridge book you can get.
About the Author
H. Anthony Medley holds the rank of Silver life Master, is an American
Contract Bridge League Club Director, and has won regional and sectional
titles. An attorney, he received his B.S. from UCLA, where he was sports
editor of UCLA's Daily Bruin, and his J.D. from the University of
Virginia School of Law. He is the author of UCLA Basketball: The Real
Story and Sweaty Palms: The Neglected Art of Being Interviewed and The
Complete Idiots Guide to Bridge. He was a columnist for the Southern
California Bridge News. He is an MPAA-certified film critic and his work
has appeared nationally in Good Housekeeping, The Los Angeles Times, Los
Angeles Magazine, The Hollywood Reporter, and other publications. Click
the book to order.
The Terminator: Dark Fate (7/10)
by Tony Medley
128 minutes.
It seems they can keep remaking this movie forever.
Directed by Tim Miller with eight writing credits which is always a bad
sign, it’s the same story and it still has Arnold and it still has the
unexplainable bad machines that can be killed in any number of ways but
keep coming back to life until the denouement.
Apparently the only thing that can really kill them
is an approaching fadeout. There’s really nothing more to be said about
this that hasn’t been said about the others ad naseum. Not much
has changed.
It’s entertaining enough, but my female assistant
hated it, so it might be a male thing. Even so, let’s hope this is
“finis” for Terminator films.