Nobody Speak: Trials
of the Free Press (0/10)
by Tony Medley
Runtime 95 minutes.
Rating: TV 14
I thought this was going
to be a good documentary about the trial of Hulk Hogan v. Gawker, the
defamation suit based upon Gawker publishing a sex tape exposing Hulk
Hogan. Silly me. This is no “documentary.” It's a prejudiced, partisan,
ham-fisted polemic, so biased it would embarrass Pravda.
The first half is, in
fact, about that. But then it suddenly segues into an attack on
President Trump! I have seen lots of jaundiced, slanted political
propaganda in my time but this one takes the cake for sheer unfairness
and hypocrisy.
It tips off its bias by
manipulating its presentation to show Hogan, whose surreptitiously
filmed sex tape was published by Gawker, exposing Hogan to derision and
damaging his reputation. Although Hogan was clearly the victim and whose
victory in court verified that fact, the film concentrates on picturing
Hogan’s supporters as evil people, while showing Gawker’s sleazy
smutmeister founder, Nick Denton, and its defenders as reasonable and
holier than thou. Then it gets into politics.
Just as a few examples,
near the end of the film Margaret Sullivan, identified as a “media
reporter” for the Washington Post, says, “We have a really trying
situation for American citizens. Trump has done a number of things that
give us a great deal of cause for concern. Among them are his lack of
transparency, (and) his inaccessibility...”
On what planet does this
woman exist? During the campaign Trump was the most “accessible,
transparent” candidate in the history of American politics. He held
press conference after press conference after press conference and
fielded questions from everybody. Sullivan’s favorite, however, named
Hillary Clinton, never had one press conference during the whole
campaign and virtually hid away from the press and the public in her
basement throughout the entire year. But that apparently doesn’t bother
Ms. Sullivan. How can anybody complain about Donald Trump’s
accessibility and transparency but never utter a peep about Hillary
Clinton’s lack of both? These people are stunning in their dishonesty.
But that’s just one
example of many. Among others, with a split screen, unidentified Meet
the Press moderator Chuck Todd is shown screeching a comment to
Presidential Advisor Kellyanne Conway who is on the other half of the
split screen, “alternative facts are not facts, they are falsehoods...”
Even though Kellyanne is starting to reply, Writer/Director Brian
Knappenberger and editor Andrew McAllister cut away and do not show her
Similarly, a few moments
later an unidentified CNN anchor appears on Knappenberger’s screen
saying to Conway, also on a split screen, “Kellyanne, CNN and other
organizations cover terror around the world all the time. Saying that we
don’t cover terrorism, that’s just false.” That’s it. Kellyanne is
taking a breath to respond, but once again Knappenberger and McAllister
don’t show her reply.
They show Fox News
anchor Chris Wallace saying, “The President thinks that a free and
independent press is a threat to the country?” Again, no response from
anyone. That’s like showing a film of someone saying to you, “Are you
still beating your wife?” and then cutting away to something else
negative about you without showing any response.
The way they get into
this is that after we see that Hogan has won his trial, Knappenberger
does not linger on this for even a mini-second, instead segueing into
who financed Hogan’s case coming up with Silicon Valley entrepreneur
Peter Thiel, a big Trump supporter. Thus identified, Knappenberger goes
into full attack mode and slams him.
Not satisfied, they then
close the movie castigating Sheldon Adelson who bought the Las Vegas
Review-Journal, using quotes from people who were fired and no
longer work for the paper.
All these people wrap
themselves in the Constitution about how honorable they are to work in
journalism to bring the truth to people. However, none of them had a
word to say about the lack of transparency and accessibility of Barack
Obama and Hillary Clinton or the influence of George Soros, and the
media’s failure to criticize, or even mention them. The bias of the
press that this movie ignores is not just how it slants their news
stories, but in what they choose to publicize and what they refuse to
These partisan
filmmakers never mention the silence of the media in the face of the
many misdeeds of the Obama Administration, but they pile up on Trump.
All those who appear should have “hypocrite” stamped across their
collective foreheads, but Knappenberger shows them taking themselves,
oh, so seriously. If Knappenberger were a true documentarian and if the
“journalists” he publicizes in his film were truly unbiased journalists,
they would look into President Trump’s claims of the unfairness of the
press coverage since he has been in the White House, but they clearly
don’t want their small minds burdened with facts.
Worse, the clumsiness
and laziness of the filmmaking are stunning. Rarely are talking heads
identified, and if they are, it’s only once. If they reappear you are
left to wonder again who they are.
This is a disgrace to
documentary filmmaking in general and to journalism in particular. On