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Horrible Bosses 2 (9/10)
by Tony Medley
Runtime 109 minutes.
Not for children.
There is a fine line between truly funny and truly idiotic. People like
Will Ferrell and Judd Apatow don’t recognize this line and cross it
constantly, so their films are so fatuous they are insulting.
This film approaches the line time and again but never crosses it. The
result is a film with more laughs than any I’ve seen in a long time.
It’s got a brilliant cast with one of my all-time favorite actors,
Christoph Waltz, shining in a minor role. But the main cast, Jason
Bateman, Jason Sudeikis, Charley Day, and Chris Pine all shine. The
supporting cast constitutes an A-list of leading actors, including Kevin
Spacey, Jennifer Anniston, and Jamie Foxx, and all give sparkling
Director Sean Anders (who also co-wrote the screenplay with John Morris)
keeps the pace up throughout. There wasn’t one scene that could have
been deleted or that slowed the progress of the film.
As in its predecessor, Bateman is the glue that holds his triumvirate of
dummies (Bateman, Sudeikis, and Day) together with their harebrained
ideas. It was hard for me to tell who was the funniest. When Pine was
onscreen, I thought it was maybe he. Naturally Waltz is in the running.
Anniston plays a sex-crazed woman impeccably. Her scenes do contain some
language that some might find offensive, but it is its offensiveness
that brings the humor. Sudeikis and Day also have their moments. But,
wait, I was laughing all the time that Foxx and Spacey were onscreen,
too. You’ll just have to decide for yourself.
November 20, 2014