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The Hunt (9/10)

by Tony Medley

Runtime 111 minutes.

Not for children.

About a decade ago I was asked by a good friend why I never volunteered to be a big brother to children. I replied that it was too big a risk. One bad egg could make a false allegation and ruin my reputation for the rest of my life. The good that could be accomplished wasn’t worth that risk. She scoffed, but later acknowledged the truth in what I said. That’s what this movie is about.

Mads Mikkelsen is a good, caring man whose life is put into a tailspin when one of the young kindergarten girls in his care, the daughter of his best friends Thomas Bo Larsen and Anne Louise Hassing, makes a false allegation to the school principal, Susse Wold.

Highlighted by incredible acting by Mikkelsson (it earned him a Best Acting Award at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival), what is unforgettable about this movie is the acting of the young girl who makes the allegation, Annika Wedderkopp. It’s stunning that someone so young could give such a sensitive, emotional performance.

Ably directed by Thomas Vinbeerber (who also co-wrote a terrific script with Tobias Lindholm), this is not an easy movie to watch, but it is thought-provoking and worthwhile, a modern day equivalent of the Salem Witch Hunt. Once the allegation is made you can’t tear yourself away from what is unfolding on the screen.

In Danish and English.

July 2, 2013

