The first edition of Complete Idiot's Guide to Bridge
by H. Anthony Medley was the fastest
selling beginning bridge book, going through more than 10 printings.
This updated
Second Edition includes some modern advanced bidding systems and
conventions, like Two over One, a system used by many modern
tournament players, Roman Key Card Blackwood, New Minor
Forcing, Reverse Drury, Forcing No Trump, and others.
Also included is a detailed Guide to
Bids and Responses, along with the most detailed, 12-page
Glossary ever published, as well as examples to make learning the game
even easier. Click book to order. |
Pride and Glory (8/10)
by Tony Medley
Run time 124 minutes.
This movie was a long time
coming. Originally scheduled to star Russell Crowe, it was torpedoed by
the events of 9/11. Who wants to make an anti-NYPD story after that?
Clearly, nobody.
But now it’s finally gotten
made, maybe in a different iteration, but with a terrific cast, headed
by Edward Norton, Colin Farrell, and Jon Voight. The story of an Irish
family of NYPD cops, headed by Chief of Manhattan Detectives Francis
Tierney, Sr. (Voight). His two sons, both detectives, Ray (Norton) and
Francis, Jr. (Noah Emmerich) are members of the NYPD, as is his
son-in-law, Jimmy Egan (Farrell). After four members of Francis, Jr.’s
crew are murdered by a notorious gang member, Francis Sr. asks Ray to
head the investigation. It suddenly becomes clear that Jimmy and his
cohorts, all under Francis, Jr., are as bad as cops can get.
The main problem I had with
this film was its pace. It’s got terrific acting by everyone, but when
director Gavin O’Connor (the son of a NYPD cop, from a smart script by
Joe Carnahan and O’Connor), delves into the Tierney family’s personal
life, the pace lags. There’s a B story about Francis, Jr.’s wife, Abby
(Jennifer Ehle) who is in the last stages of a battle with cancer. She’s
obviously inserted in the story to add to the pressure heaped upon
Francis’ head and a dose of pathos that the film doesn’t need. While the
dichotomy between loyalty to job and loyalty to family is appropriate,
still every time the film switched to the Tierney family, pace slowed
and my attention flagged.
Other than that, this is a
fine story of a well-meaning Irish family and how things can turn sour
when it’s penetrated by one bad apple. It’s a tense story of mixed
loyalties, expertly told.
Norton and Farrell give
their usual exceptional performances. Not to be left behind is Voight,
the controlling father, who thinks he knows what’s right and what needs
to be done, forget what his sons think and feel. Ehle is exceptionally
moving as the dying mother undergoing chemotherapy, who remains strong
for her husband, but shows in a poignant scene how devastating it is for
her to have to be taken from her child.