Three young boys are
playing in the street when a car pulls up and a man who looks like a
policeman forces one into his car and they drive off.
The boy’s abused but escapes. We rejoin the action thirty years
later when a girl is killed and all three boys Jimmy
Markum (Sean Penn), Dave Boyle (Tim Robbins), and investigating
policeman Sean Devine (Kevin Bacon) become involved again as
Boyle is a suspect and Markum a victim.
Who killed the girl? Why? How did the first scenes affect the
rest of their lives? This
is a terrific psychological thriller.
I have two
main criticisms of this film. The
first is a gratuitous but blatant anti-Catholic scene in which a child
molester puts his hand on the seat and he’s wearing a Christian ring.
It seemed pretty obvious to me, considering all the publicity
about Catholic priest-child molesters, that we were being asked to
identify him as a priest by the ring. There was no other reason for the
man to put his hand on the seat so we could see his ring.
There was no other reason for him to be wearing such a ring. This
has nothing to do with the film or the story, because the character
never reappears and the identity of this character is never again raised
except to tell what happened to him. The Church is never involved.
This far-from-subtle attempt to get the audience to identify him
as a priest is just an uncalled-for, intolerant slap at the Church,
something that is meant to equate all priests with ephebophiles.
In fact, the percentage of ephebophiliac priests is pretty much
the same in the priesthood as it is in society at large.
It’s no less defensible (and, in fact, it’s more offensive
for a priest to be such a sexual predator, given a priest’s special
relationship as a moral anchor), but such a cowardly slap at the Church
is unfair to the thousands of good priests and millions of believing
Catholics. Director Clint
Eastwood should be ashamed of himself for showing such wanton bigotry or
The second is
the inability of Penn and Robbins to shed tears on cue.
These guys are constantly lionized as being the best in their
profession, yet they can’t cry on cue.
There is very little that looks phonier on the screen than actors
crying without tears. If
they can’t shed tears, don’t have them cry. Both have major crying scenes, which they perform dry-eyed.
Showing them up are Marcia Gay Harden, who plays Celeste Boyle,
and Tom Guiry, who plays Brendan Harris, both of whom shed real tears in
scenes that are believable and moving. Penn and Robbins look ridiculous faking their crying without
tears. If they aren’t
good enough actors to shed tears on cue, cut the crying.
This is an
involving movie that held my interest for all but the last five of its
137-minute running time, despite an ending that seems to tolerate murder
and vigilante justice. Eastwood
should have ended it with two characters standing in the street
watching a car drive away. The
last five minutes following this scene were excruciating and detracted from what was an
otherwise engaging movie. Harden
should be nominated for another Oscar. I wouldn't even consider Eastwood.
anti-Catholicism displayed at the beginning of the film should not be
October 19,
The End